Balloon Pop Kids

Çocuklar için Ücretsiz Balon Patlatma Oyunu

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App Info

  • Rating

    PEGI 3

  • Release

    13 Ara 2016

  • Last Update

    Everybody Loves Balloons

  • Genre



Just tap balloons to play. When kid pop all balloons then it go to next balloon game level. Pop balloon kids is a simple, addictive and challenging popping balloon game that brings to you a lot of excitement. • You can adjust the speed and size of the balloons your kid's skill level. • You can disable music or sound fx and increase the size of the balloons in order to make them easier to pop. • Colorful graphics, cute balloons and various backgrounds. • Everybody loves balloonz Became an master balloon popper. For more fun, check out our other games for your toddlers or your kids.

